Weapons and ammunition:
Press ~ to display the console, then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding weapon.
give ionripper
give phalanx,
give trap
give mag slug
give dualfire damage
Level select:
Press ~ to display the console, then type map
Name Level code
The Swamps xswamp
Sewers xsewer1
Waste Sieve xsewer2
Outer Compound xcompnd1
Inner Compound xcompnd2
Core Reactor xreactor
The Warehouse xware
Intelligence center xintell
Industrial Facility industry
Outer Base outbase
Water Treatment Plant w_treat
Badlands badlands
Refinery refinery
Lower Hangars xhangar1
The Hangars xhangar2
Strogg Freighter xship
Cargo Bay xmoon1
Type the folowing codes in the console:
god - God Mode (on/off)
notarget - No Target Mode (on/off)
noclip - No Clip Mode (on/off)
kill all - Kill All (including yourself)
sv_gravity - Set gravity (800 normal, 0-750 is less, 850 or higher is more)
cl_blend 0 - Blend into walls (1 to disable)
cl_footsteps 0 - Silent footsteps (1 to enable again)
cl_entities - Removes all except walls (for you only)
cl_forwardspeed # - Set running speed from 100-500 (200 normal, run 300)
cl_gun 0 - Gun view off (1 to enable again)
give all - Give all items
give weapons - Give all weapons
give [item] - Give an item (see item list below)
map [mapname] - Level Select (see map names list below)
Item names: ionripper, phalanx, trap, mag slug, dualfire damage.
Map names: The Swamps - xswamp, Sewers - xsewer1, Waste Sieve - xsewer2, Outer Compound - xcompnd1, Inner Compound - xcompnd2, Core Reactor - xreactor, The Warehouse - xware, Intelligence center - xintell, Industrial Facility - industry, Outer Base - outbase, Water Treatment Plant - w_treat, Badlands - badlands, Refinery - refinery, Lower Hangars - xhangar1, The Hangars - xhangar2, Strogg Freighter - xship, Cargo Bay - xmoon1.
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