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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rainbow Six PC Game Cheats

Cheat Codes:
To enter these codes, press " while playing then type the desired code.
avatargod - The character you control is invulnerable
teamgod - God mode for entire team
bignoggin - Big heads
meganoggin - Huge heads
explore - Disable victory conditions
turnpunchkick - Flat players
5fingerdiscount - Ammo refill
clodhopper - Big hands and feet
nobrainer - Disable AI
debugkeys - Debug mode
1-900 - Heavy breathing
stumpy - Deforms characters
silentbutdeadly - You'll see
fastactionresponseteam - ?

Debug Mode:
While playing, type " then type 'debugkeys'. To activate it hit ENTER,

press F10, then press any of the following keys:

[F12] - Level skip
[F7] or [F8] - Suicide
[F6] - Change view
[Comma], [Period], or / - Adjust elevation

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U like all cheats