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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sacrifice PC Game Cheats

From within the game, press CTRL+SHIFT+~. This brings up a small text icon in the bottom left of the screen. Then, type ''@ '' (without the quotes, but WITH the space) and any of the following cheats.

alliwantforxmasisa - Summons one monster of the given type without using a soul. Ex - @ alliwantforxmasisa firefist

aplethoraof - Summons four monsters of the given type without using up souls. Ex - @ aplethoraof firefist

bythepowerofgrayskull - Full heal

ihavethepower - Full mana

dontfearthereaper - Gives you 32 (I think) souls

castratetheheathens - Wizard can collect red spirits

gimmegimmegimme - Gives the wizard a spell of the given type. Ex - @ gimmegimmegimme erupt

timeisonmyside - Resets the spell timers

yourbulletscannotharmme - The wizard (and only the wizard) is invincible

mywingsarelikeashieldofsteel - Same as above

ragebuilding - Levels you to level 9 and gives you all the spells and creatures accordingly (only in local multiplayer)

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U like all cheats