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Monday, September 28, 2009

Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force PC Game Cheats

Cheat Codes (demo version):
While playing a game, press ~ to display the console, then type "sv_cheats1" to enable cheat mode. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Effect - Code:
Toggle God mode - god
999 health and armor - undying
No clipping - noclip
All weapons - give weapons
Hidden level - map _brig
Obtain indicated item - give [item name]

Cheat Mode:
To bring up the console, type "~" while playing. Type "sv_cheats 1" in the console to activate cheat mode. Then type any of the codes below:

Cheat - Effect:
god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping
undying - 999 Armor, 999 Health
cg_thirdperson 1 - 3rd Person View
notarget - Invisible to Enemies
map # - Load Map # (See Below)
give # - Give Item # (See Below)

Map Names:
BORG1 - The Rescue
BORG2 - Incursion
HOLODECK - Tactical Decision
VOY1 - Condition
VOY2 - Unavoidable Delays
VOY3 - Hazard Duty
VOY4 - Defense
VOY5 - Hazard Ops
STASIS1 - Data Retrieval
STASIS2 - Deep Echoes
STASIS3 - Encounters
VOY6 - Renewal
VOY7 - Union
VOY8 - Departure
SCAV1 - The Visit
SCAV2 - Dangerous Ground
SCAV3 - Conflicting Views
SCAV3b - Conflicting Views (pt 2)
SCAV4 - Disorder
SCAV5 - Infiltration
SCAVBOSS - The Hunter
VOY9 - Fallout
BORG3 - Proving Ground
BORG4 - Information
BORG5 - Covenant
BORG6 - Infestation
VOY13 - R and R
VOY14 - Visual Confirmation
VOY15 - Offense
DN1 - The Breach
DN2 - Command
DN3 - Primary Encounter
DN4 - The Skirmish
DN5 - Defensive Measures
TRAIN - Transit
DN6 - Attunement
DN8 - Array
VOY16 - Invasion
VOY17 - Decisions
FORGE1 - External Stimuli
FORGE2 - Matrix
FORGE3 - Onslaught
FORGE4 - Visual Magnitude
FORGE5 - Dissolution
FORGEBOSS - Command Decision
VOY20 - Epilogue

Give Items
Tetryon Disruptor
Compression Rifle
Scavenger Rifle
IMOD (infinity modulator)

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U like all cheats