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Sunday, September 27, 2009

SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle

Cheat Codes:
While playing, press Shift + ~ + T to bring down the console, then type:

iamleet - Complete all objectives, Win current mission
johnwoo - Slows down enture game process
swatlord - God mode for entire team
biggerpockets - Unlimited ammo
casual - Team missing pants and shirts
doubleshot - Fire weapon faster
nc17 - Bodies bleed more when injured
noshades - Night missions play as if during the day
hotstuff - Suspects are harder to kill
justin - Suspects never surrender
rabies - Killer rats (when shot)
biggerpockets - Unlimited ammo
screenshot - Screenshot (.bmp file in Swat3 folder)
whosyourboss - Force a teammate to fire their weapon

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U like all cheats