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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

NFL Blitz PC Game Cheats

Enter the following codes prior to game start. Turbo rotates icon one, pass rotates icon two and jump rotates icon three. Press each the specified number of times. U, D, L and R are directional pad presses:

010U: late hits.
040U: huge head mode.
045U: super blitzing.
111U: clear tournament mode. (two player agreement)
151U: no punting.
210U: no first downs.
233U: powerup teammates.
312U: powerup offensive.
344U: no interceptions.
421U: powerup defensive.
433U: invisible mode.
444U: super blitz. (two player agreement)
514U: infinite turbo.
555U: hyper blitz. (two player agreement)
001D: shows field goal percentages.
012D: no CPU assistance. (two player agreement)
111D: tournament mode. (two player agreement)
423D: no random fumbles.
314D: smart CPU opponent.
522D: unidentified call carrier.
525D: snowy weather.
032L: fast turbo running.
115L: no play selection. (two player agreement)
123L: super field goal.
211L: allow stepping out of bounds.
212L: clear weather.
250L: fast passes.
312L: powerup blocker.
321L: no head mode.
333L: invisible receiver highlight.
404L: powerup speed. (two player agreement)
500L: turn off stadium.
021R: show more field. (two player agreement)
050R: big football mode.
102R: hides receiver name.
123R: headless team.
141R: team big players mode.
200R: big head mode.
203R: team big head mode.
222R: night game.
223R: unlimited throw distances.
310R: team tiny players.
423R: super passing. (two player agreement)
555R: rainy weather.

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