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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Colin McRae Rally 2.0 PC cheats

Various Cheats:
Make a new driver profile and use one of the following words for the name. You can use anything for the tag.

greatnews - get all tracks
allthebuttons - get all cars
minime - get mini cooper S car
evilevo - Get Mitsubishi Lancer Alternatives
letmewin - Get all options
morrismode - Escort MK1 Car
gofasterstripes - fast cars
garywildass - Get Ford Puma car
nuttynets - aggressive cars
mimime - Get Mini Cooper S car
wavyourlefts - reversed tracks
wheelybig - large tires
boingboingboing - Bounce mode
shinybuttons - Shining cars
bouncybouncybouncy - Low gravity
curryforme - Turbo
eatthis - use handbrake button to shoot fireball

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U like all cheats