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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halo PC Game Cheats

Shoot enemy through wall:
In multi-player mode, drive any Warthog close to a building so that the side of it is
touching. Get in the gunners turret and turn it towards the wall. If done correctly
and you are close enough, you should be able to to shoot at an enemy through the
wall and not receive damage from them if they shoot back.

Possible working XBOX version hints:

Random message:
Go to "Settings" at the main menu, then press Y to create a new profile.
Enter .fortune (note the period character) as a name. As soon as you enter the
last letter of the name, a strange random message will appear. Every time you
enter this name, you will get a different message. ".fortune" is a reference to a
feature on the Linux/Unix operating system.

Alternate ending sequence:
Successfully complete the last level of the game in campaign mode under the
legendary difficulty setting. The new ending features a human and alien fighting
hand to hand. The human will say "Its over", and then they hug because they
know the explosion will kill them both. Also, the FMV sequence of each battle scene
will be slightly longer.

Unlock New End Movie:
Beat the game on the Legendary setting to unlock a longer, different final movie.

Alternate ending sequence:
Successfully complete the last level of the game in campaign mode under the
legendary difficulty setting. The new ending features a human and alien fighting
hand to hand. The human will say "Its over", and then they hug because they
know the explosion will kill them both.

Defeating Grunts
When the Grunts are sleeping you can beat them to death with the butt of your
gun without waking up any of the other Grunts. You can usually kill a four to seven
of them before an alien spots you. They start sleeping in level 5, Assault on the
Control Room. Just remember not to shoot or they will wake up.

Defeating Jackels
Use a photon weapon to destroy a Jackel's shield quickly. When you encounter a
Jackel, run up and hit it with your weapon or get out a gun that uses bullets, not

Unlock New Guns
To unlock two new guns, first beat the game on the easiest setting (Easy), and
then on the hardest setting (Legendary) in under 3 hours.

Through one plasma grenade in a wide open spot, then stick another directly on
top of it if you do this fast enough the first gernade will launch the second and
vuaola fireworks.

Your in My Seat
When one of your computer controlled buddies is in a vehicle spot/seat you want
simply go over to that spot and press X. They will graciously move.

Infinite Grenades
To get infinite grenades, scorpion, and ghost in multiplayer- Go to the multiplayer
screen: go to edit game types: In that menu you will have the option to make up
your own game type.

Plasma Grenade
If your going to use a plasma grenade, try throwing the grenade on the alien
where it sticks onto them. It will blow up on them making sure it will kill the alien.
Also the aliens can do this to you if you don't move.

Name in Blood
In the very last level of the game, as you're driving the Warthog out of the Pillar of
Autumn, on the second jump, do not go all the way across. Then back into the
room thats behind you and get out. if you look on the wall the name REX will be in
blood on the wall.

Hungry Grunt
In the very last level of the game, as you're driving the Warthog out of the Pillar of
Autumn, get out at the 2 tunnel off of the main one and there will be a grunt at the
end of it. he should say something like " I can't wait to get back to the ship and eat
some grub!"

Faster reloading
To reload most weapons faster, press X, then shortly after that
press B to melee. Note: For the shotgun this will cause you to stop
reloading all together.

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